Решение: Контрольная №2 по английскому (вар 3, СибГМУ).

Цена: 2.7$

Контрольная работа № 2
Вариант 3
I.Найдите в правой колонке значения слов и предложений, данных в левой колонке.

velocityбольшие количества
to influenceпроисходить
large quantitiesкатализатор
to meanмедленно
the sameприсутствие
to proceedвлиять
presenceтот же самый
to startозначать

II.Образуйте от следующих инфинитивов Причастие II и Причастие I.
to react, to make, to be, to increase, to rise, to understand, to meet, to do, to effect, to change.

III.Определите формы Времени и Залога следующих инфинитивов.
to be taken, to have been understood, to effect, to have reacted, to be given, to be paid, to consider, to be involved, to have increased, to have been risen.

IV.Найдите в тексте и выпишите предложения, в которых употребляется Инфинитив в страдательном залоге.

V.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих выражений:
проводя опыты; давайте рассмотрим; можно легко понять; кажется, что воздействие… не трудно понять; следует обратить внимание; в данном объеме; более вероятно, что… молекулы вступают в реакцию при встрече; в том же пространстве; с точки зрения; следовательно; дает больше шансов, чтобы; в два или четыре раза.

VI.Прочтите текст и напишите его перевод.

Practise the pronunciation of the following words:
a) qu [kw] - quantity, quality, frequently, quickly, equal
b) kinetic [kai´netik], often [ofn], chance [´ʧa:ns], valuable [´væljuəbl], otherwise [´ʌðəwaiz]

When making experiments, account is to be taken of the factors that influence the rate of the reaction. Atten¬tion should be paid to the fact that the reaction rate is affected by temperature, concentration, catalysts, and so on. Let us consider these factors.
Temperature. In general the speed of a reaction increases two or four times for a rise of 10° in the temperature of the substances involved in the reaction. The effect of the change of temperature can be readily understood from the kinetic molecular point of view. The velocities of the molecules are increased as the temperature rises. Faster moving molecules meet oftener and being of higher energy
content are more likely to react on meeting. Hence the rise of temperature gives more opportunity for the molecules to react and results in the production of larger quantities of the products of the reaction in the same period of time.
Concentration. Concentration means the amount of a substance in unit volume. The effect of increased concentration upon the speed of a reaction does not seem to be difficult to understand. Natural¬ly, the more molecules of a reacting substance in a given volume, the greater will be the number of chances for these molecules to react with the molecules of another substance in the same space.
Catalysts. A catalyst is a substance which makes a reaction pro¬ceed more quickly or more slowly than would happen were the ca¬talyst absent. The presence of a catalyst is not sufficient for the re¬action to be started, it is needed for the reaction velocity to be changed.

VII.Переведите предложения на русский язык, выбрав соответствующую форму причастия.
1.The reaction rate (affecting, having been affected) by temperature increased.
2.(Making, being made) experiments one should remember…
3.A catalyst (being used, having used) in the reaction accelerates it.
4.(Changing, having changed) the concentration we obtained new results in the experiment.
5.(Moving, being moved) molecules always meet with each other.

VIII.Выпишите из текста Инфинитивы, указав их функции.

Дополнительная информация:
IX.Дайте краткие ответы на следующие вопросы.
1. Are the velocities of the molecules increased as the temperature rises?
2. Do catalysts influence the rate of the reaction?
3. Does concentration mean the rate of a substance?
4. Should attention be paid to temperature, concentration, catalysts and so on?
5. Will they consider these factors?
6. Can it be understood from the kinetic molecular point of view?

X.Составьте и запишите 6 вопросов, ответы на которые, осветили бы основное содержание текста.

Цена: 2.7 $
Добавлен (обновлен): 07.05.2015

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